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CNAB Resolutions adopted at 23. Annual Meeting

Resolutions adopted at 23. Annual Meeting
9and 10 November 2001- Johannesburg International Hall
CNAB Resolution 2001-01 – (Agenda Item 2) Acceptance of Apologies and Proxies – The Annual Meeting received and accepted the list of apologies for non-attendance and accepted the notifications of proxies by members.
CNAB Resolution 2001-02 – (Agenda Item 3) Approval of the Agenda – The Annual Meeting adopted the draft agenda as amended (ref CNAB–PL–01-016).
CNAB Resolution 2001-03 – (Agenda Item 4) Minutes of the Fourteenth Meeting - The Annual Meeting approved the draft Minutes (with minor amendments) as a true record of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting, held in Arlington, Virginia, USA on 9 and 10, November, 1999 (ref CNAB– PL–00-030) as circulated and amended.
CNAB Draft Resolution 2001-04 – (Agenda Item 5.1.) President’s Report - The Annual Meeting received with appreciation the Report of the President (ref CNAB-PL-01-029) as circulated and presented.
CNAB Resolution 2001-05 – (Agenda Item 5.1.1.) CNAB Bylaws, Issue 2 - The Annual Meeting formally received the final version of the CNAB Bylaws, Issue 2  (ref CNAB-PL-01-006), as had been approved by members in a 60-day letter ballot which closed
on 30 July 2001.
[Note – the Bylaws Issue 2 document is available in the CNAB web site for downloading by Members]
CNAB Resolution 2001-06 – (Agenda Item 5.1.1.) CNAB Memorandum of Understanding, Issue 3 - The Annual Meeting formally received the final version of the CNAB Memorandum of Understanding, Issue 3 (ref CNAB-PL-01-007), as had been approved by members in a
60-day letter ballot which closed on 30 July 2001.
[Note – the CNAB Memorandum Issue 3 document is available in the CNAB web site
for downloading by Members]
CNAB Resolution 2001- 07 (Agenda Item 5.1.1) Proposed Amendment of CNAB Bylaws,
Issue 2 – The Annual Meeting received a proposal to further amend the Bylaws to require
a 2/3rd majority vote for decisions such as termination of membership, and adoption and
revision of guidance documents, but noting the divided views on the proposal, it requests
the Executive Committee to consider the proposal and, if that proposal achieves
consensus, to submit it to members for approval in a 60-day letter ballot.
[Note – the possible further amendment of the Bylaws is an item on the agenda
for the meeting of the Executive Committee in February 2002]
CNAB Resolution 2001-08- (Agenda Item 5.1.2.) CNAB Charter - The Annual Meeting
endorsed the Revised CNAB Charter (ref CNAB-PL-01-011) as circulated.
CNAB Resolution 2001-09 – (Agenda Item 5.1.3.) Board Strategic Agenda - The Annual
Meeting received the Board document “International Accreditation Forum, Inc. -Strategic
Agenda” (ref CNAB–BD–01-027) as circulated and presented.
CNAB Resolution 2001-10 – (Agenda Item 5.1.4.) CNAB Organisational Restructure - The
Annual Meeting received the Board report on the outcome of the 60 day letter ballot which
closed on 31 October, and the approval of the organisational restructure (ref
CNAB-BD-01-022), and noted that the new structure has been implemented by the Board